USAXS Technical Contact:
Dr. Jan Ilavsky (630) 252 - 0866
Instructions for :
Shipping to APS
Shipping From APS
Important - send samples sufficiently ahead :
1. No Saturday delivery at APS! Samples for weekend must be at ANL receiving Friday before 10am, preferably Thursday.
2. Users have had number of packages delayed for delivery by one or more business days. Both FEDEX and UPS. This resulted in loss of beamtime.
3. Staff cannot be picking samples for users outside ANL and redirecting deliveries to drop off locations does not seem to work anyway.
Shipping and mailing address to APS for non hazardous samples
Your Name c/o Dr. Jan Ilavsky X-Ray Science Division Advanced Photon Source Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S. Cass Avenue, bldg 433A Lemont, IL 60439, USA
- Include cover letter with your name, address and when your beamtime is!!!
- Include instructions and copy of important facts from e-mail exchange with staff.
- Keep in mind - NO SATURDAY delivery at ANL! Samples delivered after 10am will be delivered next business day, which may be Monday!
Shipping and mailing address (to APS) for hazardous materials
Your name c/o Dr. Jan Ilavsky Building 433A002 c/o HazMat Receiving, Building 46 9700 South Cass Avenue Lemont, IL 60439, USA
- Add at least 24 hours (business day) for delivery on site. It is illegal to pickup hazardous samples by staff/users from receiving.
- Ship following proper shipping procedures (DOT packaging) and include MSDS sheets with materials.
- Include cover letter with your name, address and when your beamtime is!!!
- Include instructions and copy of important facts from e-mail exchange with staff.
If you need chemicals - buy smallest needed amount from Alfa Aesar or other supplier and ship to APS hazardous materials receiving :
Your name c/o Dr. Jan Ilavsky Building 433A002 c/o HazMat Receiving, Building 46 9700 South Cass Avenue Lemont, IL 60439, USA
EXAMPLE of non-hazardous shipping address used by user called "Charlie Brown" shipping samples to USAXS for experiments:
Charlie Brown c/o Dr. Jan Ilavsky X-Ray Science Division Advanced Photon Source Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S. Cass Avenue, bldg 433A Lemont, IL 60439, USA
Unmarked packages without proper identification (user name/package content/SDS sheets) may be discarded by waste disposal group and cost of disposal & materials identification will be charged to user!
Instructions for shipping materials from APS
Please note, that shipping from ANL/APS is major source of problems for users. Any and all shipping sent through ANL systems is considered shipping by ANL and has to conform to all and any applicable laws, regulations, and DOE rules. The fact something was accepted for shipment by carriers to ANL is inconsequential for shipping back to your home facility. Also note, that users cannot be "shippers" and only ANL staff can be responsible for shipping from ANL. This creates problems, where shipment accepted by staff for shipping to users were later refused by shipping department and returned to ANL staff for repackaging and paperwork update. This caused problems and delays and in some cases we were unable to ship materials back to users at all. Users are therefore urged to dispose of samples as waste (which is easier) or arrange alternate shipping plans if safe and technically possible.
For users who insist on shipping materials back, follow these instructions:
Download & follow these important shipping instructions : Shipping instructions.
Download this shipping form and fill it with Adobe Acrobat on your computer, print and place paper copy on each box with your materials. Save and email filled form to two addresses: beamline staff and Alexis.
Important points:
- Users cannot ship containers with waste in the name
- Every container needs to be labeled with what is inside
- Containers must be suitable for content and properly sealed
- MSDS (or SDS) sheets must be included with chemicals or any hazardous materials.
- ... more information and instructions are in the shipping instructions pdf file. Download and READ!
Contact staff before departure to organize transfer of the package to them. Staff needs to know where the package is located and accept it from you. Shipping WILL open & inspect the package, so do NOT tape over.
Following these instructions gives your samples reasonable chance of being shipped back to you. Please note, that these instructions seem minimum requirements! Not adhering carefully to even these minimum requirements practically guarantees that your samples will not be shipped.